I really enjoyed this! I’ve been exploring the psychological importance of stories lately and this hit directly on one key piece of that; stories require our imagination in order for their magic to work. When it does, we learn more about ourselves and we connect more deeply with others. The best stories are also ones which have rich narrative details, which ties into your thoughts about being fully attuned to our senses. Thanks for taking the time to give us this!

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This was a beautiful essay! We often forget to look for the beauty in everything, so thank you for reminding us.

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This is a beautifully written piece. All your words have a type of symbiosis and everything flows very naturally, almost effortlessly. I read quite a bit and this piece stood out to. Good job.

I think the Garden of Eden was the initial paradise for a reason. When the beauty of nature works together and comes together to form a a breathtaking moment, an almost perfect moment, it something that brings a calm, a peacefulness that is almost beyond comparison with anything else.

I don't have one moment in a garden that sticks out to me as vividly as yours does but my Grandmother always loved having a huge garden that was always kept in tip top shape. I sometimes look back on the pictures of me in her garden and yearn for them. The beauty, the serenity. The immense wealth of imaginary games I would play inside the garden. I wish I could go back for just a day and experience that again.

This afternoon I sat in that same garden (I now live alone in the house my grandmother used to live in) and while the garden isn't anything like it used to be like back in her day I couldn't help but feel a peacefulness. It is summer here so everything is bright green and vibrant. I sit under the trees she planted 60 odd years ago and read my book while my dog plays in the grass. These are the moments we human were made for, these are the moments that we should strive for.

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